Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Lush kind of day

Today is one of those days in which my impending wedding is bringing me more stress than joyful anticipation. All the details, all the minutiae that we need to accomplish, seem insurmountable today. I've had a crappy day at school. I really don't want to get into specifics, because frankly they're exhausting, but suffice it to say that I am extremely stressed out. It's not just my job; I need to do laundry, clean up the apartment, come up with a plan for tomorrow's lessons, and pack without forgetting anythiing important, so that we can leave to head back to MI tomorrow. Don't get me wrong, I'm ecstatic that spring break is here. That's the thing, though-- it's not here yet. Not quite. That's the hard part. I have what seems like mountains of things to accomplish between now and the actual beginning of spring break, and I only have this evening to do them. I don't deal with stress that well. I need time by myself to chill myself out. That's just about impossible during the school day, so I never have a chance to bring my stress levels down to an acceptable range. What I would really like to do right now is take a long, hot bath using some of my Lush stockpile. I have a feeling I'm going to be spending a small fortune on Lush as we get close to the wedding. I might have to kick everyone out of my fancy room the night before the wedding and spend an hour or three in my gigantic, heart-shaped jacuzzi (*snicker* It really has one. No joke. I booked the honeymoon suite over the regular jacuzzi suite, not because I found the idea romantic, but because I found it amusing.).

Public Service Announcement: If you haven't tried Lush, DO IT. I refused to jump on the bandwagon, but my dear friend Ms. Hoffmeister (not her name, but close enough. Also, we teachers tend to use each other's teacher names.) dragged me in the Lush store at the mall one too many times and we all know I have limited reserves of self-control and I decided I would give it a shot. It's a slippery slope, my friends. I heart Lush. It smells amazing, it's super relaxing, it's all-natural, and it smells pretty. On the downside, it's expensive. I think, however, that my stressful job justifies buying large quantities. That would be my argument if Bear ever found out how much it cost. For now he's in the dark though!

My favorites:

-Melting Marshmallow Moment Bath Melt (for the record, I hate all these silly names. I call this one "the pink one"... also, this one smells exactly like circus peanuts), $7.95

I feel better just having written about Lush. Its effects are further reaching than previously thought. Must document.

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